10 Travel Tips
/Pack less than you think you will need!
You can always buy it when you get there! Not that you need an excuse because you are going on vacation, right? You have saved up all of your money to go on this fantastic adventure SO you want to buy things…and you need room in your suitcase to bring them home!
One of my favorite packing items this super light down jacket, which not only can be worn but you can bunch it up as a pillow on the plane, you can use it as padding inside your suitcase.
Bring two pair of comfortable shoes and break them in before you go!
There is nothing worse than figuring out on your first day that the cute shoes that you bought are uncomfortable and are giving you blisters! I’ve been there and it’s not fun.
Find out if your bank and credit cards charge foreign fees
You can contact your individual banks for further information on fees and also to make sure that your bank approves the travel so that your card doesn’t get locked while you are trying to explore!
If you see something you love - BUY IT!
There is a really good chance you will not find it when you get home!
On our tours we visit a lot of small villages and go to the studio of local artisans. In almost all cases, you can’t find it in the US. Take for example, this amazing shoe store in Venice! It is even difficult to find their handmade shoes in other parts of Italy! If I hadn’t purchased them the first time, you may regret it later!
Bring wine and compression bags
Wine bags are great for not only for wine, but also for many other items that are in glass containers. Not only do they protect your delicious treasures but also it prevents them from breaking into your suitcase, which I have to tell you from experience is not fun!
Buy travel insurance - trust me, it’s worth it!
Travel insurance is a plan you purchase that protects you from certain financial risks and losses that can occur while traveling. These losses can be minor, like a delayed suitcase, or significant, like a last-minute trip cancellation or a medical emergency overseas. I have had personal experience with a medical emergency overseas. It is a very Scary and Expensive experience! Having travel insurance is very helpful and really does give you the peace of mind if you ever needed to use it. Check out companies like Allianz and AXA!
Make sure you are comfortable carrying your luggage!
Whether you are bringing a carry on, checked bag or both make sure that it is something that you can move with! It always depends on the trip, but I prefer to check my suitcase because it’s easier and less stressful.I always bring a backpack and prefer to carry that and it easily fits under my seat.
Call your cell phone provider before you leave to find out how they charge for calls, texts and roaming
All services are going to be different and can even depend on the individual plan that you have, but I highly suggest WhatsApp. You are able to use it on wifi or on data and can communicate with anyone else who has this free app!
Buy an external cell phone battery or portable charger!
I take a lot of photos and that uses up a LOT of battery power. Having an external battery charger is super helpful and prevents you from never running out of charge!
Learn a few expressions, it goes a long way!
In Italy, people really appreciate when you try to speak the language, even if it’s a couple of words!
Hello — Buongiorno
Goodbye — Arrivederci
I’m sorry I don’t speak Italian — Mi dispiace non parlo italiano
Thank you — Grazie
Please — Per favore
Excuse Me — Mi scusi
Come tour Italy with us, and meet our team of local adventurers who want to show you their country the way it should be seen- from the inside.
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(267) 318-7081